This article is designed as a source of information only and discusses Piriton, its uses and its suitability for dogs. Piriton should only be used and administered under the direction of your vet and via a veterinary prescription after a thorough consultation to discuss your dogs symptoms and whether Piriton would be suitable for your animal.
When the sun is shining, and the warm summer days beckon, it's not just us humans who enjoy spending our days outdoors in the sunshine. Just like us, our dogs also love nothing more than basking in the warmth of spring and summer sunshine and running wild in the fields and woods. However, just like us, dogs too can suffer from Summer hayfever and allergies which can lead to a runny nose and eyes, skin rashes and hives and a general feeling of itchiness. If you're wondering whether you can give your dog Piriton to ease their symptoms and what is the correct Piriton dose for dogs then read on as you've come to the right place. Although safe for dogs it is essential to consult your vet before administering Piriton to ease the symptoms of Summer allergies in your dog. In this comprehensive guide, we look at whether it is safe to give your dog Piriton and try to provide you with the information you need to ensure your canine companions well being.

Table Of Contents
Piriton For Dogs - Can Dogs Have Piriton?
6. How much Piriton can I give my dog?
9. Can I give my dog Piriton everyday? 10. Possible side effects of Piriton for dogs 12. A natural allergy cure for dogs
✅ Can potentially be prescribed by your vet
✅ Generally safe for dogs
✅ Can help with a range of allergies
✅ Easy to administer
❌ Do not self administer without prescription
❌ Dosing needs to be monitored
❌ Can cause drowsiness
❌ Can interact with some other medications
What Is Piriton?
Piriton is the brand name of over the counter medication containing the antihistamine chlorpheniramine which is a antihistamine that is commonly used to relieve the symptoms of allergies and hayfever, insect bites and stings and skin rashes and hives. Piriton and chlorphenamine works in both humans and dogs by interfering with the action of histamine, a chemical that is released by the body of humans and dogs during allergic reactions, thereby reducing allergy symptoms like sneezing, runny eyes and nose, sneezing and itching.
Piriton, available over the counter in the UK in forms like tablets and syrup, requires a consultation and a veterinarian's prescription for animal use. While it's commonly used to treat allergic reactions in humans, Piriton can cause drowsiness due to its sedative effects. Therefore, if you are considering administering a antihistamine for dogs, it is crucial to consult your vet and follow their guidance before administering Piriton to your dog
Histamine, Allergic Reactions and How Piriton Can Ease Your Dog's Allergy Symptoms

Allergies, those pesky and often irritating immune responses in your dog that usually come on in the warmer summer months, are your dogs body's way of reacting to foreign proteins like pollen or insect venom. These proteins, actually named allergens, are typically harmless to most humans and dogs, however, if your dog happens to be sensitive or allergic to a specific protein i.e. grass pollen for example, their immune system transforms into a hypersensitive sentinel constantly seeking out and dealing with the invading proteins. It is this state of high alert or sensitivity that results in a cascade of allergic reactions if even the tiniest amount of the allergen enters the body and histamine takes center stage in these reactions.
When your dog's immune system identifies an allergen, it goes into overdrive to deal with the it, launching a full-scale attack on the foreign protein. This attack results in the release of histamine into your dog's system, which then sets off a series of responses. In most cases, the symptoms triggered by histamine release in your dog are localised, meaning they are confined to a specific area of your dog's body like it's eyes or nose or body. This localised response is your dog's body's way of containing the perceived threat. For example, if your dog is allergic to pollen, histamine release might cause itching, redness, and swelling in your dog's eyes and nose, a classic hay fever response. Believe it or not, food can cause allergies in some dogs and a well balanced, non allergenic diet for your dog is important for their long term health. High quality, bespoke dog foods like Different Dog, Tuggs or Butternut Box (read our Butternut Box review here and use our Butternut Box discount code to get 50% off your first two boxes) can be tailored specifically to your dog to ensure that it is allergen free and that they are eating a perfectly balanced diet.
Anaphylactic Shock In Dogs
In severe cases of allergy, your dog's immune system's reaction may not limited to a particular body part as the histamine release is severe and widespread. it goes global. This dramatic response by your dog's body to an allergen is known as anaphylaxis, and can be a potentially life-threatening emergency. During anaphylactic shock, histamine and other inflammatory substances flood your dog's bloodstream, affecting nearly every system in your dog's body. Anaphylaxis can cause a range of potentially severe symptoms, which can include:
Whilst fairly rare, if your dog experiences anaphylaxis then time is of the essence. Immediate veterinary attention will be required. Epinephrine, a life-saving medication, will potentially be administered to counteract the widespread effects of histamine and other inflammatory molecules in your dog's body. Without prompt intervention, anaphylaxis can rapidly progress to a fatal outcome.
Is Piriton Safe for Dogs?
Although generally safe for dogs it is essential that you obtain a prescription for Piriton from your vet before administering it to your dog. Piriton is mostly safe for dogs when given at the correct rate and dosage, but its active ingredient can pose potential risks when interacting with other drugs your dog may be taking. There are a range of drugs that can interact with chlorpheniramine, the active ingredient in Piriton therefore, it's crucial to consult with your vet before giving your dog a Piriton tablet, especially if they are currently taking any other medications or suffer from any pre existing health issues. Establishing the correct piriton dose for dogs is crucial in order to keep them safe and healthy.
How Piriton Works In Dogs
To understand how Piriton works, let's first take a look the symptoms that can arise due to allergies and environmental factors:
🐾 Sneezing
🐾 Runny or blocked nose
🐾 Coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing
🐾 Watery, red, or itchy eyes
🐾 Skin rash or hives
Piritons active ingredient acts by blocking your dogs histamine release mechanism, thus preventing it from signaling your dog's body to respond to the allergen. This calming of the histamine response provides your dog with relief from these distressing allergy symptoms.
Piriton Dose for Dogs
Determining the correct piriton dose for dogs is something that your vet can provide guidance on and it is super important for their safety to ensure that the correct dose is given and any adverse effects are minimised. The dosage varies based on your dog's weight.
🐶 Small Dogs (Under 9kg / 20lbs): Small dogs weighing under 9kg (20lbs) can take 1/2 a Piriton tablet, which is equivalent to a 2mg dose.
🐶 Larger Dogs (Over 9kg / 20lbs): Larger dogs, weighing more than 9kg, can safely consume between 1 to 2 tablets, not exceeding a maximum dose of 8mg.
It is always essential to consult with your vet before giving your dog Piriton for the first time and whilst administering Piriton it is essential to follow to these guidelines to ensure your dog's well-being. For general reference please refer to this Piriton for dogs doseage chart

Understanding Piriton For Dogs & How It Works
Before administering any new medication to your dog including Piriton, it is imperative to be aware of what you're giving them and the associated risks. As discussed, Piriton, also known as chlorphenamine, is an antihistamine used to treat allergic conditions in both humans and pets. It's available under various other brand names, in both tablet and liquid forms. While Piriton is generally safe for dogs, it's crucial to be cautious of other allergy tablets that may contain potentially harmful ingredients like amphetamine, caffeine, pseudoephedrine, or alcohol. In the event of accidental ingestion of these substances, seek immediate veterinary assistance.
Did you know? Chlorphenamine maleate, the active ingredient in medications like Piriton, was actually discovered back in the late 1940s by a Swiss chemist named Daniel Bovet? His research led to the development of one of the earliest and most effective antihistamines, changing the way we treat allergic reactions. Bovet's groundbreaking work earned him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1957, highlighting the immense impact of chlorphenamine maleate on the field of medicine. |
Piriton vs. Piriteze For Dogs: Important Differences

It's important to differentiate between Piriton and Piriteze, as they both contain distinctly different active ingredients despite having very similar names. Piriton's primary active ingredient is chlorpheniramine, which as has been shown above is generally safe for dogs. Piriteze contains the active ingredient cetirizine hydrochloride, which again is safe to administer to pets but only under guidance from your vet. When in doubt, it is essential to consult with your vet who can prescribe Piriton as it is generally considered safe for dogs and is often recommended by vets.
Can I Give My Dog Piriton Every Day?
Piriton is generally safe to administer on a daily basis provided the correct dosing regime is followed and you have consulted with your vet beforehand. While some dogs may need Piriton before outdoor adventures in the spring and summer, it's essential to exercise caution. Allergic reactions in dogs, similar to humans, result from their response to airborne pollen. However, consistently administering Piriton to your dog should only be done under the guidance of a vet, with a well-defined long-term plan.
Possible Side Effects of Piriton in Dogs
Piriton may cause some side effects in dogs, including:
Dry mouth
Changes in behavior
Establishing the correct piriton dose for dogs is crucial in order to keep them safe and healthy. Drowsiness can occur, similar to humans, but it's generally not a cause for concern unless excessive. If your dog experiences persistent diarrhea when taking Piriton then it would be prudent to seek veterinary advice. Ensure your dog has access to plenty of water to combat dry mouth. In the case of vomiting after taking Piriton, determine whether your dog is spitting out the tablet. If vomiting persists, consult a vet. Behavioral changes are uncommon but should be monitored closely, with professional medical attention sought if significant alterations occur.
Natural Remedies For Itchy Dogs
If you are looking for a more natural remedy for dogs with itchy and flaky skin one of the best places to start is your dog's diet. For many dogs a tailored, high quality food regime can have marked effects on allergies and itchiness. Quality dog food suppliers like Tuggs, Butternut Box and Different Dog provide superior quality food that can be tailored specifically for your dogs needs and can help to relieve allergies and itching. Another natural supplement that has been shown to help is salmon oil for dogs. Salmon oil has been found to help with many different allergies in dogs including flea allergies, food allergies, plant and dust allergies. Read our full review of salmon oil for dogs here. If you are looking for natural flea treatments for dogs, read our blog post for full details. If you are looking for pain relief for your dog then check out our blog post all about Metacam for dogs.
Piriton For Dogs Conclusion
In conclusion, Piriton can be prescribed by your vet and can be safely administered to dogs. Dosing will depend on your dog's size and weight and can be established by your vet. However, as always, it essential that you consult with your vet if you feel that your dog could benefit from Piriton, especially if they are on other medications and it is important to adhere to the correct dosing regime. With the right precautions in place, you and your furry companion can enjoy the great outdoors without the summer allergies that some dogs can experience.
Piriton for Dogs FAQ
Q: Is Piriton safe for dogs?
A: Piriton, which contains the antihistamine chlorphenamine maleate, is generally safe for dogs when used under veterinary supervision. It is commonly prescribed to alleviate symptoms of allergies such as itching, sneezing, and swelling and is given 2-3 times daily, but the exact dosage should always be determined by a veterinarian based on the individual dog's needs.
Q: Are there any side effects of Piriton in dogs?
A: Yes, while Piriton is generally safe for dogs when given correctly, it can cause side effects. Common side effects include drowsiness, dry mouth, and urinary retention. In some cases, more severe side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, or an allergic reaction could occur. Monitoring your dog after administration is essential to catch any adverse effects early. Q: Does Piriton have to be prescribed by a vet?
A: It is always best to consult your vet about any illnesses or allergies that your dog exhibits so that they can make a correct diagnosis and, if needed, prescribe a suitable remedy. For allergies in dogs, Piriton is one treatment that your vet could possibly prescribe if they feel that it is suitable.
Q: How long can I give my dog Piriton for?
A: The duration for giving Piriton to your dog should be determined by your vet based on the specific allergy or condition. It is generally used short-term for acute symptoms but can be prescribed for longer periods to treat chronic conditions under the guidance of your vet. Continuous use requires monitoring due to potential side effects like drowsiness and dry mouth.
Q: Can dogs get hayfever?
A: Yes, dogs can get hay fever, primarily presenting with symptoms like itchy skin, paw licking, and ear discomfort, rather than the typical human breathing and sneezing symptoms. Treatments can include antihistamines such as Piriton, corticosteroids, and regular baths to reduce skin irritation and remove allergens.
Symptoms of hayfever in dogs can include:
Itchy, irritated eyes that can be bloodshot or running
Frequent sneezing
Runny, blocked nose
Recurrent itching, scratching or biting of the skin & fur
Constant scratching resulting in bare or sore patches on the skin
Rashes and chewing of paws or skin
Q: Can you give your dogs antihistamines?
A: Yes, dogs can be given antihistamines like Piriton under veterinary guidance to manage allergy symptoms like itching and swelling. It's important to ensure these medications are safe for dogs and to use the correct dosage, as side effects such as drowsiness and dry mouth can occur.
About the Article
It's important to emphasise that this article serves only as an informational guide about dogs and Piriton and is by no means meant to be a substitute for a professional veterinary consultation. If you have concerns about your pet's health or well-being, it is super important that you to seek immediate advice and treatment from a qualified veterinarian.
In emergency situations, where immediate action is required, do not hesitate to contact your vet to obtain guidance on the necessary steps to be taken.
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