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Best Probiotics for Dogs

Updated: Mar 23

Optimising your dog's gut health with probiotic supplements

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Let's face it, as dog owners, we often pay more attention to what goes in our dogs dinner bowl than on our own plates, and why not? Our four-legged friends are more than pets; they are family family, so, when it comes to keeping them well fed, healthy and happy, their gut health and intestinal flora is where the magic happens! Enter the world of probiotics for dogs – those tiny, beneficial bacteria powerhouses that are the unsung heroes of your dog's digestive system keeping their tummies healthy. But before you start picturing lab coats, vets and petri dishes, be assured, it's much simpler (and more interesting) than that and is super important for your dogs health.

Probiotics for dogs

Table Of Contents

Probiotics For Dogs


✅ Enhances Digestive Health

✅ Strengthens Immune System

✅ Boosts Nutrient Absorption

✅ Can Help Managing Allergies & Stress


❌ Potential for Digestive Upset

❌ Variability in Effectiveness

❌ Potential to Over Supplement

Why Probiotics for Dogs?

Think of your dog’s tummy as a thriving and bustling city, where probiotics are the hardworking residents keeping everything in order. These microscopic 'super heroes' are tirelessly directing traffic, cleaning the streets, and ensuring that the city and it's residents (aka your dog's gut) remains a thriving and healthy hive of activity. They're the good bugs that keep the bad bugs at bay, aid in digestion, and boost the immune system. So, whether you're searching for the 'best probiotics for dogs' or planning to concoct a 'homemade probiotics for dogs' recipe, you're guaranteed that it will be beneficial for your dogs health. Just like a perfectly functioning city, a healthy gut is vital for your dog's overall well being. It's not just about avoiding an stomach upsets and bugs, it’s about ensuring that your dog is able to absorb the right nutrients, fight off germs and infections, and even maintain a shiny coat and fresh breath. So, probiotics aren’t just a fancy buzzword, they’re essential for your dogs tummy and overall health.

Best probiotics for dogs

Now, you might be thinking that the science behind probiotics sounds complicated, but fear not! Whether you're an experienced dog owner who's owned a number of dogs or a new pup owner still figuring it all out, we're going to be diving into the wonderful world of probiotics for dogs. From understanding the science behind these microscopic marvels to uncovering the best probiotics for your dog (whether store bought or homemade), we've got you covered. So, sit back, make yourself comfortable, and let’s embark on this dog gut friendly journey together. Trust me, your dog will thank you for it!

What Are Probiotics for Dogs?

When we talk about probiotics for dogs, we're delving into one of the most fascinating areas of canine health. Probiotics are live microorganisms, primarily beneficial bacteria and yeast, that inhabit your dog's digestive system. Think of them as a supportive community within your dog's gut, playing an essential role in maintaining your dog's overall health. These microorganisms are key players in your dog's digestive process, helping to break down food, absorb nutrients, and in supporting your dog's immune system.

Probiotics work by balancing the intestinal flora, a complex community of interacting microorganisms within your dog's gut. A healthy balance in this flora is crucial for your dog's optimal digestive health. These beneficial bacteria help to fight off pathogens, preventing gastrointestinal illnesses, and even improving your dog's mental health. They are the unsung heroes in your dog’s digestive tract, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

What are probiotics for dogs

The world of dog probiotics is diverse, with various strains offering different health benefits. For example, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains are commonly found in canine probiotics. Bifidobacterium helps in fighting harmful bacteria and improving bowel movements, while Lactobacillus aids in nutrient absorption and reducing intestinal inflammation. Each probiotic strain has a specific role, contributing to the intricate ecosystem of your dog's gut health.

In addition to probiotics, prebiotics are important to consider. Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that act as food for probiotics. They help maintain the viability and activity of probiotics in the gut, ensuring these beneficial bacteria thrive. Together, prebiotics and probiotics create a synergistic relationship that greatly enhances gut health, leading to a happier, healthier dog.

Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs

Incorporating probiotics into your dog’s diet can be a game-changer for their health and well-being and offers a myriad of health benefits, vital for both their physical and mental well-being. These live microorganisms, akin to those in a healthy canine gut, play a significant role in enhancing overall health.

  • Enhanced Digestive Health: Probiotics are crucial for a well-functioning digestive system and help to balance and improve gut flora. They help maintain regular bowel movements, reduce diarrhea, and alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders. This results in a more comfortable and healthier life for your dog, free from common gastrointestinal issues.

  • Immune System Support: A robust immune system is essential for your dog's health, and a large part of it resides in the gut. Probiotics bolster this immune defense, creating a barrier against harmful pathogens and enhancing the body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases.

  • Improved Nutrient Absorption: With a balanced gut flora, your dog can better absorb nutrients from their food. This improved nutrient uptake means your dog gets more vitamins, minerals, and energy from the same amount of food, contributing to their overall vitality and health.

  • Allergy Relief and Behavior Improvement: Alongside a nutritious and well balanced diet, probiotics can also aid in managing allergies by moderating the body's inflammatory responses. Additionally, there's growing evidence linking gut health to mood and behavior, suggesting that probiotics might help in reducing anxiety and improving overall temperament.

  • Counteracting Antibiotics: Antibiotics can disrupt gut flora. Probiotics help in restoring this balance, minimizing side effects like diarrhea and aiding in a quicker recovery.

  • Overall Health and Longevity: Incorporating probiotics into your dog's diet can contribute to their long-term health. By maintaining a healthy gut, you're supporting multiple aspects of your dog's physiology, potentially leading to a longer, happier life.

Types of Probiotics for Dogs

If you are considering giving your dog probiotics, variety is key to ensure effectiveness and best results. Different strains of probiotics provide support for various aspects of your dog's health, making the choice of the right type of probiotic crucial. Here's a brief summary of some of the common probiotics found in dog supplements:

Lactobacillus: This is probably one of the most well known probiotic strains. Found naturally in the dog's gut, Lactobacillus aids in digesting food and absorbing nutrients. It also plays a role in combating harmful bacteria, making it a staple in many dog probiotic supplements.

Bifidobacterium: Another common strain, Bifidobacterium, helps your dog to maintain a healthy balance of gut flora. It's known for its ability to ease gastrointestinal issues and boost the immune system.

Enterococcus Faecium: This strain is beneficial for stabilizing your dog's digestive tract and is often administered to dogs with diarrhea or other digestive problems.

Saccharomyces boulardii: A type of yeast, this probiotic is unique in its ability to fight off intestinal pathogens and support a healthy immune response.

Each probiotic strain offers specific benefits, and many supplements combine multiple strains for a comprehensive approach to gut health. When selecting a probiotic for your dog, it's important to consider their specific needs and consult with a vet to ensure that you choose the best probiotic for your dog's health.

Selecting the right probiotic for your dog's specific needs involves more than just picking a probiotic supplement off the shelf. It's essential to tailor your choice to your dog's specific health needs. Different probiotics cater for different aspects of your dog's health, such as digestion or immune support, so understanding your dog’s unique requirements is an important first step. The effectiveness of a probiotic is largely governed by the quality and viability of the strains it contains. Always opt for well researched strains that have proven benefits for dog health.

CFU's And Probiotics​

Colony Forming Units (CFUs) in probiotics indicate the number of viable bacteria per dose. While a higher CFU count suggests more live microorganisms, it doesn't always mean the probiotic is more effective. The effectiveness depends more on the quality and suitability of the bacterial strains for the specific needs of the dog, rather than just a high CFU count. It's important to balance the CFU with the right strains and the individual health requirements of your dog to ensure the best results.

The form in which probiotics are presented is another important consideration. They can come in powders, capsules, chews, and pastes, and the best choice for your dog will depend on their preferences and your convenience. For instance, a picky eater might do better with a flavored chew rather than a capsule.

Choosing the Best Probiotics for Your Dog

Another critical factor is the potency of the probiotic, measured in colony forming units (CFU). While a higher CFU count may seem better, it's more important to find a product with a CFU count that suits your dog’s size and specific health needs.

Most importantly, always consult with your vet if you decide to use probiotics for your dog. Their expertise and understanding of your dog’s health history and dietary needs can guide you in choosing the most suitable probiotic. By taking these factors into account, you can select a probiotic supplement that best supports your dog's health and well-being.

Homemade Probiotics for Dogs

For dog owners interested in a more natural approach, homemade probiotics are easily made and can be an excellent addition to your dog's diet. These can be simple to prepare and are a great way to introduce the beneficial bacteria powerhouses into your dog's diet.

🥕 Fermented Vegetables: Vegetables like carrots, green beans, or cucumbers can be fermented at home. This process involves submerging the vegetables in a brine solution, allowing beneficial bacteria to grow. These fermented veggies are a natural source of probiotics and can be a healthy snack for your dog. For an in depth guide on fermenting vegetables for your dog that a look at this guide at Adored Beast.

🥛 Kefir: Kefir, a fermented milk product, is another excellent source of probiotics. It's similar to yogurt but contains different types of beneficial bacteria. Goat milk kefir is often recommended for dogs due to its ease of digestion. You can either purchase kefir or make it at home by fermenting goat milk with kefir grains.

Homemade Probiotics for Dogs

🐄 Plain Yogurt: Plain, unsweetened yogurt is a simple and readily available source of probiotics. Ensure that it contains live cultures and is free from any artificial sweeteners, which can be harmful to dogs.

While homemade probiotics can be beneficial, it’s essential to introduce them gradually into your dog's diet to avoid digestive upset. Also, consult with your veterinarian before adding these foods to ensure they suit your dog's dietary needs. Regardless of health additions to your dogs eating plan their core diet id the most important factor for good health. A high quality dog food like Different Dog or Tuggs dog food can form the basis of a healthy and nourishing nutrition system for your dog.

Probiotics in Dog's Diet: Dos and Don'ts

Integrating probiotics into your dog's diet can have substantial and far reaching benefits, but it's important to introduce them slowly and safely. Here are some key dos and don'ts to consider:


  • Start Slowly: Introduce probiotics gradually to your dog's diet to avoid digestive discomfort. Begin with small amounts and gradually increase to the recommended dosage.

  • Choose High Quality Probiotics: Opt for probiotics specifically formulated for dogs and ensure they contain live, viable organisms.

  • Store Properly: Follow storage instructions carefully to maintain the efficacy of the probiotics. Most require cool, dry conditions.

  • Consult With Your Vet First: Always get a vet’s approval before introducing probiotics, especially if your dog has health issues or is on medication.


  • Overdo It: Avoid giving your dog too much probiotic at once, as it can lead to digestive issues like diarrhea or bloating.

  • Ignore Ingredients: Be wary of supplements with unnecessary additives or fillers. Look for simple, clear ingredient lists.

  • Replace Veterinary Care: While probiotics are beneficial, they should not replace veterinary care for serious health issues.

  • Self Diagnose: Don’t use probiotics to treat health problems without a vet's guidance, as misdiagnosis can lead to dangerous complications.

Remember, every dog is different, and what works for one may not suit another. Monitoring your dog’s reaction to probiotics and adjusting accordingly is key to successfully incorporating them into their diet.

Case Studies and Expert Opinions

The efficacy of probiotics in canine health is not just anecdotal; it's backed by scientific research and expert opinions. A growing body of case studies and expert analyses provides valuable insights into the role of probiotics in dog health.

Recent studies highlight the positive impact of probiotics on dogs suffering from various gastrointestinal issues. For example, a study published in the Journal of Animal Science showed that dogs with diarrhea showed significant improvement when administered specific probiotic strains. This reinforces the role of probiotics in enhancing digestive health and regulating bowel function.

Experts also emphasize the immune-boosting properties of probiotics. According to veterinary nutritionists, the right balance of gut bacteria, supported by probiotics, can enhance a dog’s immune response, making them more resilient against infections and diseases.

Behavioral studies have started exploring the gut-brain connection in dogs. Preliminary findings suggest that probiotics may play a role in reducing anxiety and stress-related behaviors in dogs, opening new avenues for treating behavioral issues.

While these studies and expert opinions strongly support the use of probiotics, they also underscore the need for tailored approaches. Each dog’s needs are unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Hence, these findings should be integrated with the advice of a trusted veterinarian to ensure the best outcomes for your pet.

Best probiotic for dogs uk

Probiotics for Dogs - Conclusion

As we've taken an indepth look at the world of probiotics for dogs, it has become abundantly clear that these tiny but mighty microorganisms play a crucially important role in our dog's health and wellbeing. From enhancing digestive function to boosting the immune system, and even impacting mood and behavior, probiotics are more than just a dietary supplement; they're a key to unlocking a healthier and happier life for our dogs. So, as you consider adding probiotics to your dog's diet, remember, you're not just feeding them, you're nurturing their well-being, one beneficial bacterium at a time.



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